Hundreds of millions of people live with debilitating breathlessness worldwide, a symptom of many disease states.
Breathlessness is particularly prevalent in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), where this core symptom is widely acknowledged to be poorly managed and devastates patient quality of life.
The reality of breathlessness
Breathlessness in COPD presents a huge clinical problem that impacts millions of lives and burdens healthcare systems as associated costs continue to rise.
391 million people live with COPD globally.
82% of these – 320 million people – experience breathlessness with daily activities.
Annual healthcare spend in COPD is estimated at more than €100 billion in the US and EU, with current treatment focusing on management of symptoms and reducing risk of exacerbations.
Even with “optimised” treatment plans, 43% of people still experience persistent and disabling breathlessness, which can double associated healthcare costs.
Current breathlessness treatments in COPD are lacking due to impractality for use or unwanted side effects, and there is a strong appetite for innovation in this neglected space.
There is a huge need for effective, practical and safe breathlessness treatments in COPD.